Our Services
We build customized solar power plants using different renewable energy technologies with benchmarked equipment. Plants designed to last its lifetime backed with a unique service delivery model.
Residential (West Bengal Only)
In West Bengal the controversial net metering policy has just been implemented for domestic users with a connected load less than 5 kW. This opens up a huge potential in the market for residential roof top systems.
Consumers with available roof top space can now setup their solar photo voltaic power plants in a cost effective manner and actually achieve net zero energy settlement.
With PV modules achieving efficiencies of upto 22%++ a rooftop can actually easily house systems which can support the use of 2 air conditioners throughout the year.
Designing a residential system is a whole new challenge, the system has to be designed aesthetically leaving enough space on the roof for the garden and the occasional family get together.
The energy requirements, the air conditioner usage, the family schedule all needs to be accounted for while sizing the system. The module cleaning system has to be designed efficiently to allow for easy efficient cleaning.
The system has to be robust, we cannot afford repeated engineer visits – security is a risk.
So keeping these in mind we have formulated a simple process
Commercial and Industrial Rooftops:
Implementing a commercial rooftop is a challenge and many factors come into play – interaction of the Solar system with the equipment at the location, harmonics, power factor, pattern of usage, state specific restrictions regarding metering and restrictions, Diesel generator compatibility, Time Of the Day, tariff etc.
Integrating a solar system into a commercial or industrial system requires an in depth site survey which includes and not restricted to:
- Analysis of the electricity bills
- Understanding the consumption pattern
- Understanding the clients electrical system including fault current of the circuit breakers, the distribution system, the DG connectivity if any
- Measuring the harmonics, power factor at the location over a duration of the time
- Checking the earthing system at the site
- Checking the structural stability of the roof top for installation
- Checking the lightning protection system at the site
Residential (West Bengal Only)
Phase 1: Site Study
We study your electricity bill, understand your usage patterns.
Measure and check your roof for module placement, map your electric wiring.
Phase 2: Design
We design out the module structure which best fits your rooftop. The electrical design is created the location of the inverters, Array Junction Boxes, the Inverter Interfacing Panels, the earthing pits, the lightning rod (if required) is planned. The system costing is drawn out with the break-even plan.
Phase 3: Proposal & Discussions
We share the design with the customer highlighting the benefits, the break-even and the design advantages along with the commercial proposal.
After discussions the design and BOM is finally frozen and the final offer shared with the customer for approval only after design validation by our backend team.
Phase 4: Implementation
Our team implements the project at the site keeping in mind that the project has to be implemented in the most effective way in the shortest possible time creating minimum disturbance for the inhabitants. We ensure a robust built and the instructions are clear to the onsite installers – we are not going back to the site for rework – so get it right the first time and every time.
Phase 5: Documentation & Handover
After implantation and during the trial run we complete the documentation with all as built drawings. We apply for net metering with the DISCOM involved. We train the customers about the system and what is to be done to maintain it for a long time to come. After net metering is implemented we handover the site to the customer.
Phase 6: Maintenance
Post installation we provide once a year preventive maintenance services where we check each and every parameter in the system and do routine repairs and augmentations as required for the 5 Years Onsite warranty. We check the earthing, the cabling iso resistance, the PV modules output, the Junction diodes. Thermography is done to detect hotspots. We ensure trouble free operations for our customers during this entire period. And in case just in case there is a break down we will be there to support you.
Based on the site survey a detailed engineering is done encompassing
Step 1
The module structure design and layout accompanied with STAAD validation
Step 2
The electrical design consisting of cable, switchgear, inverter sizing, protection system, earthing system and lightning protection system, power factor effects and harmonic effects – vetted by an electrical engineer or an electrical license holder
Step 3
A list of recommendations of the changes required if any for implementation is made
Step 4
Unpriced BOM with makes and specifications is prepared for the client.
Design Validation
After the detailed engineering we setup an interaction for design validation with the client. Here we discuss thread bare about the changes required in the system, the design and assumptions the BOM and reach a consensus with the client about the design based on multiple iterations and discussions. Post that the final design and BOM is frozen.
We complete the pricing and also work out the break-even calculations with the customer at this stage and after final negotiations and BOM adjustments we sign the contract.
This phase is followed by BOM, Make and Design approval from the client before we move on to execution.
Our team is covered under PF & ESI schemes and are trained to work in the industry complying with all safety and statutory requirements. The project teams motto is get it right first time and every time so that no rework is required during the life time of the project. Sit back and see how we implement the project seamlessly and integrate it into the electrical network. This is followed by a trial run while the client applies for net / gross metering / billing as may be applicable. We provide all documentation and support for the metering application but client needs to front end the process.
Why #SwitchToPulse?

Knowledge of Subject

Tier 1 Products

Experience in the Field

Service Infrastructure

Driven by Innovation

Robust Installations

Diverse Technology

Green Energy Powered

About Us
With the PV market changing in India the company is now focused on creating custom built solar power plants for their clientele with components which are unmatched in the industry. This backed up with a team with core experience in power systems and in repairing of solar inverters the company offers a unique value proposition to our customers –
“Custom Solar Power Plants – for a Lifetime”